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BNA Beautify Bellevue Grant

Beautify Bellevue Grant

The Beautify Bellevue Grant is a reimbursement program to beautify owner-occupied Bellevue homes.

The grant will match funds for exterior home and yard improvements to current members.

The maximum amount per approved grant is 50% of the total project cost, up to a maximum $750.00 for completed work.

Grants are available for Bellevue homeowners who are current Bellevue Neighborhood Association members.

Grant applications are limited to one per household once every other year.

Image by Tim Cooper

How do you apply?

You must be a current member of the Bellevue Neighborhood Association and live in the home


Fill out the Grant Application (see link above).  

We highly recommend that you verify with the City of Bellevue and Campbell County whether approval/permits are needed for the project and obtain those if necessary.

A member of the Grants Committee will take photos of the project area before work begins.

What about Pre-Approval?


Grants are not available for previously completed projects.

No work is to begin on the project until approved by the Grants Committee.

The project/improvements must be exterior work seen from the street or alley.

What happens after you get approval for your project?

You must begin work on the project within 30 days of Grant approval and be completed within 90 days of that approval, but no later than December 15.

A member of the Grants Committee will take photos of the completed project.

Submit copies of invoices/receipts showing the amount spent on the approved project for reimbursement of 50% of the total project cost, up to a maximum of $750.

Image by Markus Spiske

Have More Questions?

Feel free to contact Beautify Bellevue Chairperson, Judy Brauer, at with any questions!

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​Find us: 

Bellevue Neighborhood Association, PO Box 73005, Bellevue, KY 41073

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